Lawalyn, Campus Life Ministry Director

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My name is Lawalyn! I currently serve Campus Life Ministry Director which primarily involves communicating the various events and opportunities on YSU Campus, especially regarding International Students. I help encourage Steel Valley Church members to engage, love, and serve International Students as friends, and also help manage church members who participate in opening their home for International Student hosts called Supper Club. Living in Youngstown my whole life, I was able to graduate from East High School and am currently finishing my B.A. in Communication Persuasion at YSU. While at Steel Valley, I love to engage with international students at YSU and learning about their culture, language, and religions.

Fun Facts:

Hobby List: Reading, Walking, and Video Games

Favorite Author List: C.S. Lewis, J.P. Morland, George Orwell, and Dr. Norman Giesler.

What is the Gospel? We, as humanity, are under the eternal wrath of God because we have chosen to rebel against God and His Law, becoming sinners. Therefore, there is nothing we can do to save ourselves, but God Loves us so much that He sent His Only Son, Jesus, who lived the perfect sinless life and received the punishment of God for our sins. Then Jesus rose again on the third day declaring His sacrifice sufficient to forgive all of our sins by having Faith in Jesus. For we are saved by God’s Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8).