Taylor, Women’s Ministry Director

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My name is Taylor and I serve as the Women’s Ministry Director of Steel Valley Church. My primary responsibilities include creating opportunities for women to grow closer to God, such as through bible studies. I also plan fellowship opportunities to allow us to form deep meaningful relationships, so that we may strengthen one another. My goal is that we will be educated and empowered in order to disciple well! I was born and raised in Youngstown. I am married to James and we have a dog named Phoebe, a cat named Nibbler, and a crested gecko named Pumpkin. I own my own business and make ceramics and sell on Etsy. I have earned a B.A from Malone University studying Psychology, with a minor in Cross-cultural ministries. My passion within the church is to see women continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. I want to see my sisters in Christ strengthened by the truth of the word; so that not only will we be strong in our faith, but we will be well equipped to spread the gospel and disciple!

Fun Facts:

Hobby List: Ceramics, Crafting, Painting, Baking and Reading.

Favorite Author List: It’s so hard to pick favorite authors; I read pretty much anything fiction. I have recently come to appreciate Leigh Bardugo. Christopher Paolini and Suzanne Collins are also great writers!

What is the Gospel? God created humans to have a relationship with Him. He made us good, and gave us free will. Mankind used that free will to sin, and this separated us from God, because God is perfect and cannot have a relationship with something imperfect. This was not what God designed, so He created a way for us to be together. God came down to earth in the form of a human and became Jesus. Although Jesus was fully man, he lived a perfect life in full obedience to God. He then died, willingly, on the cross. He took all of our sin upon Himself, so that if we choose to accept Jesus Christ as savior, we ourselves can be seen as perfect and be with God again. Jesus rose from the dead three days later and defeated death that we may have eternal life with Him!